Vijay's Personal Website

My Projects

Name What is it? Link
RISC-V CPU Built a full CPU in Logism with two-stage pipelining View
Handwritten Digit Classifier ML algorithm in RISC-V assembly to classify digits View
FactGrid Cuneiform Project ML model to segment and transcribe Cuneiform tablets View
The David Deutsch Dictionary Online database of quotes with Google Sheets backend View
Scheme Interpreter Python-based evaluator and interpreter for Scheme View
Helium Balloon Project OpenCV-powered object tracking for helium balloons View
BYOW (Build Your Own World) Pseudo-random world generation algorithm in Java View
2D Convolutions Optimizer Parallelizable 2D discrete convolutions algorithm View

More Info

Project Name Image Description
RISC-V CPU RISC-V CPU Datapath Built a full CPU in Logism that runs instructions in assembly language. Implemented two-stage pipelining to increase throughput. Prevent control hazards via pipeline flushing.
Handwritten Digit Classifier Image from the MNIST Handwritten Digits database Designed machine learning algorithm to classify handwritten digits from MNIST database of 60,000 28x28 images. Wrote RISC-V assembly procedures for matrix multiplication, dot products, and the activation and loss functions.
FactGrid Cuneiform Project FactGrid Cuneiform Project Develop machine learning model to segment and transcribe dataset of 1,068 annotated Cuneiform tablets using the YOLOv8 architecture.
The David Deutsch Dictionary The David Deutsch Lexicon Online database of quotes from prolific science author and quantum physicist David Deutsch. Utilizes Google Sheets as a backend database to allow for seamless and near-real-time updates. Scraped quotes off the internet using Python3 and NLTK (Natural Language Tool Kit). Designed UI using Flask and HTML.
Scheme Interpreter Scheme Interpreter Python-based evaluator and interpreter for Scheme, a dialect of Lisp.
Helium Balloon Project Helium Balloon Project OpenCV-powered object tracking for helium balloons using the CSRT (Channel Spatial and Reliability Tracking) algorithm.
BYOW (Build Your Own World) Pseudo-random world generation algorithm built in Java. Also created a UI for generating, saving, and loading worlds.
2D Convolutions Optimizer diagram of convolutions Created algorithm for running 2D convolutions. Sped up algorithm by a factor of 8.10x using SIMD Instructions, multithreading via OpenMP, and targeted algorithmic optimizations. Wrote OpenMPI coordinator to support process-level parallelism capabilities.


My name is Vijay (“VJ”) Kethanaboyina, and I’m a computer science student at UC Berkeley aspiring to work as a software or data engineer. I’ve solved problems in technical areas such as computer vision and Linux system administration. I’m also an avid reader and language learner.




Undergraduate Researcher for UC Berkeley Sky Computing Lab

June 2024 - Present

Undergraduate Researcher for FactGrid Cuneiform Project, UC Berkeley

August 2023 - February 2024

Hackathon Cofounder


Future Projects